Tired of looking all over from the dealer dealer too and getting hastled of compition in 1st or for the next vehicle. Then look no further because you can find what you're looking for quickly and easily here. Cars starting at $ 100 and up Click Here For Auctions gov. I no nothing about cars but I know good deals when I see one and this is a great way to get that 1st or new car without any long-term payments or hastleing in prices. The vehicles are all government owned to be sold daily at the government opens a new car too the list whether it be due to certain medications or dealer got arested for car for Some factors are taken by the government. I guarantee if you decide too get your car here you will return here for your next one or to get a vehicle for children in families. Fear not the long down any payment due when you buy it you will be free and clear. So Dont wait go today and save more money and then never be put on a new car, especially when some of the used vehicle is new from the raids of our government.